Once qualified you will want to keep your skills sharp and continue to develop.
Learn what we can do for you. Get in touch

Being proficient in Autorotation is not only a vital skill in itself, it is also great for general flying confidence. You can never practise these enough; alter range in Autorotation by use of speed and rotor rpm control. One of our Instructors will explain everything prior to flying. This is great to do prior to your annual proficiency check to impress the flight examiner with your knowledge & ability.
Confined Areas
This is the process of taking the helicopter to an unprepared landing site away from the airfield, where you will use all of your skill, knowledge, & airmanship. This is what helicopters do, it sets them apart from planes, and is important to master for your day to day flying.

Something else in mind? Navigation, Airspace Crossings, Instrument Flying, Sloping Ground, Limited Power. There are lots of areas to be perfected, exercises that you wouldn’t usually conduct alone. Our Instructors are not there to judge your current ability but to help you develop and offer advice.
Yorkshire Helicopters HQ
Walton Wood AirfieldPontefract Road
T: 01977 325 222
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Images used throughout this site are copyright Stephanie Koczy, Neill Watson & Yorkshire Helicopters Ltd
© 2019 Yorkshire Helicopters